Punxsutawney Phil’s Forecast


Phil being held by a member of the Inner Circle. (Chris Flook)

As people in West and Central Texas experience an atypical winter storm, many braced themselves this morning to see what the famed Punxsutawney Phil would predict for the upcoming weather.

His forecast?

Six more weeks of winter.

While some people are big fans of cool weather, others want to experience the infamous Texas heat again. 

“I’m upset because I don’t want anymore cold,” says junior Paige Mandery. 

According to NBC 10 Philadelphia, from 1895 to 2022, Punxsutawney Phil had a nationwide accuracy rate of just 46%. Additionally, when looking at his last 50 predictions, Phil has predicted winter more often than not – 36 times, to be exact!

With this lackluster data, some people are hesitant to believe the famous rodent.

“Why do we let a marmot decide the seasons?” asks junior Tatum Marye.

Groundhog Day is managed by the Inner Circle, which the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club describes as a “group of local dignitaries.”

The first Groundhog Day was celebrated in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania in 1877, but using rodents to predict the weather was a tradition brought by German immigrants decades prior.